WATER LEVEL EVENTS FOR EAGLE LAKE NOTE Water level in eagle lake is controlled by Steele bayou . To get Dailey readings e
Feet Elevation Stages in MGVD g to rivergages.com and under options
60 106.23 select Vicksburg in Vicksburg Basin
59 105.23 select Yazoo Backwater Area then
58 104.23 scroll to Steel Bayou Control Structure
57 103.23 57.3 Yazoo Backwater Levy Toped
56 102.23
55 101.23 55.5 Hwy 61 & 3 Closed
54 100.23 100.3 is the 100 yr. frequency flood level
53 99.23
52 98.23
51 97.23
50 96.23
49 95.23
48 94.23
47 93.23 47.9 Yazoo Backwater Levy Closed 90 to 95 range of
46 92.23 46.5 465 closed elevations for
45 91.23 natural ridge line
44 90.23 between steal
43 89.23 bayou and eagle lake
42 88.23 during this period
41 87.23 if CORE feels that
40 86.23 flooding in Steel Bayou could
38 84.23 cause damage it will
37 83.23 open gates and flood Eagle Lake
36 82.23
35 80.23
33 79.23
32 78.23
31 77.23
30 76.23
29 75.23 76.9 eagle lake normal level from 1/1 to 9/1
28 74.23
27 73.23 75 eagle lake level from 9/1 to1/1
26 72.23
25 71.23
24 70.23
23 69.23 70 eagle lake may be lowered to 70 if deemed necessary
22 68.23
21 67.23